ASX/NZX Announcement – Intention to Appoint Rob Campbell to SKYCITY Board
Thursday 20 April 2017
SKYCITY Entertainment Group Limited advises that it intends to appoint Rob Campbell as a non-executive director to the SKYCITY board, following a search conducted by SEQEL Partners. This appointment remains subject to approval by regulatory authorities in each of SKYCITY’s gaming jurisdictions, a process which normally takes some months to conclude. In the meantime, Mr Campbell will be available to assist the Board in an advisory capacity.
Based in Auckland, Mr Campbell is currently the Chair of Summerset Group Holdings Limited and Tourism Holdings Limited and a director of Precinct Properties New Zealand Limited – all NZX listed companies. His previous directorships include the Bank of New Zealand, New Zealand Post, Ports of Auckland Limited, Accident Compensation Corporation and Freightways Limited. He was also formerly the Chair of the Auckland City Mission Foundation.
An economist by training, Mr Campbell’s career has included academic, union leadership and consulting roles. He currently advises a number of private equity and hedge funds globally.
SKYCITY Chairman, Chris Moller, commented that “we are delighted to have secured the services of Rob, a highly-experienced Auckland based chair and director, who will add considerable diversity to the Board in terms of his background and thinking”.