Fortysouth Director appointment

Fortysouth appoints Tim Miles as Chair
Wednesday 15 March 2023
Fortysouth has appointed Tim Miles as Chair following a director search conducted by SEQEL Partners.
Fortysouth is New Zealand’s leading independent digital infrastructure partner and is owned by offshore infrastructure investors InfraRed Capital Partners and Northleaf Capital Partners, and Infratil of New Zealand. The business recently acquired Vodafone’s tower assets, providing the company with the largest national tower portfolio in New Zealand - covering over 98% of New Zealand’s population.
Tim is an experienced CEO and company Director. He currently serves on the boards of ASX listed oOH!Media Group, NZX listed Genesis Energy, Nyriad an early stage US based tech company, and Chairs NZ’s Gut Cancer Foundation. He was previously Chief Executive Officer of Spark Digital, and held Executive roles at Vodafone including Chief Technology Officer of Vodafone Group PLC, Chief Executive of Vodafone UK and Chief Executive of Vodafone NZ. He has also held senior roles within the global technology services companies IBM, Data General and Unisys.
Tim holds a Bachelor of Arts from Victoria University of Wellington.